nscale Server Application Layer

This side describes some functions of the Application Layers.


Application Layer technical documentation.



The Application Layer provides some data and services over the REST-API as a Web resource. The data representations XML and JSON are supported. HTML and plain text will partly be offered as a readable representation.



The access to Web resources of the Application Layer requires a HTTP authentication. There are the following HTTP authentications:
  • Negotiate (Kerberos or NTMLv2)
  • NTLM
  • Basic
When using SSL, the server certificate should be loaded into the client certificate store. Here is the Application-Layer certificate to download .

For your own CA, you must request a CSR (Certificate Signing Request):
keytool -certreq -file newreq.pem -keystore certificates.store -alias applicationlayer -ext san=dns:fully-qualified-hostname

Sign the file 'newreq.pem' (e.g. by http://active-directory/certsrv) and import the answer:
keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore certificates.store -alias applicationlayer -file "certnew.p7b"


Application Layer instances

Here you can enter at the Application Layer REST based instances.